Monday, August 6, 2012

Why do I hear "Jaws" music in my head when I go to the Dentist?

Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist and be put to sleep for 5 hours while he makes me a new mouth full of teeth. I have ground my teeth for so many years I have cracked, crumbled and chipped every tooth! And that's with a night guard! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm hoping I don't do anything to embarrassing while I'm out like talk in my sleep, bite someone or heaven forbid pass gas. But, I'll never know it, I hope. I go back in two weeks for the permanent teeth. That's another 5 hours!! Oh man I am so dreading this! Well look at me, it's 1am and I'm writing a post!!! I can't sleep!
I know this photo cracked me up too. My cats are always getting my toothbrush,yuck. Now I keep a supply just in case. My three little fuzzy nurses will be by my side when I get home. I'm sure hubby will be ready to leave, he has to wait in the lobby for me. I'm hoping they let him go somewhere! I'll check in and let you know how it went. Cross your fingers for me!


  1. Oh sweetie I love this post! the pictures are perfect! As for the dentist..I completely understand as it is like the worse thing ever...I'm just sayin! I have an appointment today for the fifth time this month to work on a filling that now needs a root canal!!! I understand completely! You will be sleep so no worries k? And whatever you do in your sleep falls under that whole patient Doctor confidentiality! So don't ask..don't tell kinda thing...smiles!!! Big hugs and you'll be just fine!!! Who needs sleep at 1 am any way! ;-)

  2. You are such a HOOT sweet girl!!!! I'll be thinking of you all day and praying all goes easy and well...but man, it WOULD be funny to be a fly on the wall just to hear what you say!!! Really, I do hope all goes just wonderfully, hugs and love, Dawn

  3. Hang in there can't say anything they haven't heard before! Hmmmmm...or can you???? ROFLOL
    just me...someone who'd hold your hand for TEN hours if need be...batman

  4. I hope it all goes well for you. I would make sure you have some pain medication for when the one given at the dentist wears off. Oh, and wash your mouth out with salty water, it's surprising how well that works. I'm sure the furry ones, and your husband, will make excellent carers.
    Good luck :-)

  5. There is no telling what you might say under the juice....the dental assistant at my dental office told me that I stopped my dentist from working on my teeth and told her to wait a second because I had a wedgie I need to pull out of my backside! Then I told her to hurry up because I was there to have a baby....ROFL!

    Hang in there sweetie! You will make it through!!!


  6. Yikes! That doesn't sound like fun at all! I will be thinking of you. Personally I think you ought to eat a big bean burrito before you go in, they'll want to hurry you on up and get you outta there!
    LOVE your pictures as usual, the cat one is hilarious! Sending you lots of blessings!

  7. Hopefully you are on the mend. I'm sure you were glad to get that over with. Now you can take it easy until the next one and hopefully done with it all.

  8. All I can say is .... DRugs!!! And lots of them! I found that mouth guards made me clench my teeth even more. After all, put something in my mouth and of course I'm going to "eat" it!! And now a friend of mine says my jaw is in permanent clenched mode. Good grief! Can't win for losing! Take care, girl!!

  9. That is just the most wonderful cat picture i have ever seen.I'm so glad to have found your blog I can't stop smiling

  10. I've been meaning to tell you how awesome your new teeth look! I'm jealous!
