Saturday, October 1, 2011

Round Top Texas, Junk Capital of the World!

"Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you stink as bad as I do..." OMG it was Africa hot in Round Top. It was dusty with whirlwinds whipping up in the fields and tumbleweeds rolling across the highways, BUT WORTH IT ALL!
After all that wonderful low-fat food I ate I bet I gained 5 pounds so this sign was too perfect! The guys that were running the booth were "foreign-ers" as some would say so they did not get my joke at all, but they took the photo anyway!
My hair at the end of the day...ok it's really a light fixture. Way cool huh!
At one point I did see spots from the heat then I saw these guys and thought, maybe it's time to head back to the hotel for a cool shower!
I think I ate one of their cousins for dinner one night. I loved this carnival booth. I love all this kitchy stuff.
Can you believe there was a day when men actually wore these!  But women wore corsets so we still won the contest of wearing  the most uncomfortable undergarments!
Yea buddy, they take their poultry serious around here!
I know these are parts of farm equipment but I'm sure there's some creative soul out there that will make something with them!
I always stop by Clutter and they always have the best displays of just "stuff." I bought a roll of used film. Why? I have no idea, I'll think of something!
I just loved how this looked. So pink with a hint of green. The whole booth looked like this.
I have seen so many things done with these little mesh purses, and to see so many at once, I wanted to buy them all! No Karen, I didn't!
This still makes me laugh so I'm kicking myself for not buying it just to see hubby's expression when I put it in the den and say how much I "just love it!"
Clocks were everywhere but none of them worked!
I think this was a child's mannequin, it was a bit pricey.
Weird and cool at the same time huh?
Great door my friend Terri bought for her craft room. I'm so envious!
This clock was over 5 feet tall, nope doesn't work either!
This would have made a great lamp but it was $650, outch!
I thought of my friend Susie when I saw this, she's not
even 5 ft. tall.
Well you knew  would find something wedding somewhere! But really, this was about it!
Do you see the pink fridge and stove? Yep had to have it to put up on the walls of my studio, too cute!
I could not resist. Don't tell LuLu Kellogg but I got her one for her birthday! And of course one for me!!
I could have gotten this so much cheaper but I'm running out of wall space! 
I just loved these two sisters. 
My trip would not have been complete without stopping by to see my favorite girls, The Junk Gypsies!
Is it no wonder this baby girl is so precious, look at her mama, Amie! Both gorgeous!
This was in the Junk Gypsy tent, I think this was one from the Miranda Lambert's wedding, she loves to hunt, so I'm surprised she didn't keep it!
After a long day I almost crawled in this beautiful bed! But decided to head back to my hotel and wash off 10 pounds of dirt, sweat and a few beers!!
If you want to see all the photos go to the "Adventures" button at the top of the page.


  1. Great post Cindy and you are totally hilarious! Hugs Marilou

  2. Wow, thank for sharing all those fun photos with us! I have got to go sometime! I'm only and hour or two away. Looks like so much fun!!!

  3. I'm stuck at home while the man of the house watches college this post got me all excited! Woo Hoo a report from Round Top. I so ached to go this weekend. Just a little too far to drive.

    I love all your photos, thank you Cindy, you keep it real, girl.

  4. Oh my word Cindy I am loving it! What a wonderful time!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. I can see why people rave so about Round Top, I could have a massive shopping spree there, lol.

  6. So freaking awesome. I can't wait to go antiquing in PA this coming weekend!

  7. Oh I wish I had been there! I want it all!!

  8. You are too funny, had a smile in my heart the whole time I read your post. Wish I would have been there with you, you make the good times roll girl!

  9. Excellent Cindy, makes me feel like I was there with you! Love all the photos. Your little pink stove on the wall, what a visual! Hugs, Riki

  10. I lived in Texas for six years (DFW) and was never able to make it to Round Top, Canton, or Fredericksburg.

    Thanks for sharing all these pictures!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!
