Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Indestructible Kitten Christmas Tree

This is a bare-bones Christmas tree! It's not what I'm use to but I have to admit it's kind of nice to have an excuse not to do the whole sha-bang, taking days to put Christmas up and days to take it down. I had to hire "peps" to help me get it out of the attic, put the tree up, then have them help me put up all the empty boxes. Then it starts all over again after the holidays!! But this year we had to adapt for these fuzzy faces!
They look so innocent....... before proven guilty!
I used fabric strips to make a fabric garland that are in six foot strips, it took ten to get all around the tree! Plus I used burlap for the tree skirt so I couldn't make the garland to fancy. Talk about a challenge! Having these fabric strips all over the place, the two kitten demolition crew did a doozy with all of those, it just gave them a distressed look :) But the best part part was I have only spent $100 so far on the tree, the rest I had on hand!
 AND, with the money I am saving I'll put towards trips like my trip to California with my partner in crime, Charlene to  Kim Caldwell's event. I think we're driving and I have a feeling it's going to be a "antique" version of Thelma and Louise junking all the way there and all the way back, without driving off the least until we see the credit card bill!! Then somewhere in there I'll be going to see Karen Valentine in Phoenix. I think I could get use to this Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
I'll be putting old Wedding Photos on the tree too, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. I've laid out several options but I just can't decide. Any suggestions? Do I attach them to the garland or do I hang them just mounted on doubled scrapbook paper? Maybe some Mother of Pearl buttons somewhere, HELP! I'm stuck! I can do shiny and all blinggy, but subtle and earthy is not my forte'.
Hummm, just can't decide. Egads I'm so bad at this! I have just laid them in the branches here, not on the garland. I can hear you all saying, "you're thinking about this too much!" OK time for a glass of wine. Cheers!
But either way if the tree falls over or the ornaments get nibbled on it won't be a big deal!
I know, I know, she's too cute, lil stinker! Little Miss Prissy climbed the tree within hours of putting it up! I thought I saw the tree shaking and thought no, I'm imagining it but, nooooooo, it had already been attacked!
Hubby put four  bags of Kitty Litter to hold this tree in place! I just hope these kittens can't knock over a tree with 80 pounds of weight on the base. Lovely but functional. Again, thrifty!! Maybe another trip? Oh Round Top, forgot about that trip, I think I'll just break even now! 
So,If any of you have any suggestions on what I should do, PLEASE let me know! An earthy minimalist  I am not so...... HELP!
To return to White Wednesday with Faded Charm go


  1. Oh my word!!!!!!! I am giggling so much!! Those naughty little monkeys!

    I think the tree looks beautiful!


  2. Your tree is beautiful and so are your kitties! I put photos on my Christmas tree last year. Some I could secure well between branches and some I secured with tiny little clips from the office supply store. I used white clips or silver clips. I'll try to find a photo of the clips holding photos. You know that I am a photo collector, right? I have a few wedding photos, but I didn't end up collecting them. I think you need to have those photos! I'll see what I have and get back to you!


  3. HIGH-Larry-US! She must think she's in the jungle. Perhaps you can paint her nails jungle red and just call her part of the decorations!
    Girl...I'm no help either. Subtle has never been my forte.
    Love the garland and wish I had the patience, but I'm afraid the only thing I'd end up with would be something to hang myself with...or tied up in knots!

  4. Your kitties are so adorable. Clever idea with the tree. Unfortunately, my cat Luca is not delicate like your little darlings. He is a three year old, 15lb. menace. I love him to bits but if I put the tree anywhere he could get to it he would dive into the middle and down it would go. I love the shabby chic look and you Miss Prissy ornament is lovely.

    Have a nice day,

  5. This is so funny, that kitten in the tree is too much! Your tree is so beautiful, Cindy!

    Have fun on your junkin' trip! If you pass through Mesa, AZ, give me a hollah....xo Rhonda

  6. Awww, they're just so cute!

    How about using small rusted binder clips to attach the pics to the garland or even the branches! No glue, no holes!! Yes, I know, I am just that FabUlous! LOL

  7. Awww your kitties are just too precious for words! I am a tad bit worried about Phoebe getting into the tinsel tree after watching her go crazy for it yesterday (while I was taking things out of the containers). We shall see... and fingers crossed that she is a good girl. First Christmas and all!

    Looking forward to seeing you at Kim's event next year.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I think the the tree looks great Cindy! (The pic of the kitty on the inside is priceless!!!) Why don't you try clothes pinning the photos to the branches (or the garland) You could even cover them in book or music pages and add abit of glitter if you want to. I wish I could go with you guys to Kimberly's event. But I must admit.... having you all to myself shopping till we drop here in Phoenix sounds pretty fabulous too!!!

  9. Sweet kitties, gorgeous tree. LOVE the idea of placing wedding portraits on it ~ I always do a wedding blog party in June each year ~ so you will DEFINTELY have to join us and share your tree next time!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. Your kitties are beautiful ornaments! A couple of years ago our newly rescued cats were quite sure the tree was their new hammock. And our Great Pyrenees puppy, who thought she was a cat, wanted in there with them. We sprinkled chili powder on the branches. It smelled like a Mexican restaurant for a few days but then it faded away. And it did stop any more tree climbing. No harm done, just a sneeze or two.

  11. hell if I know. Your asking the wrong question. Now ask me anything about kitty litter and your good to go, lol. BTW, how much ya want a bet that the kitties dig and claw at that litter?? Yup, I can see it now TIMBERRRRR
    Man you and Charlene are going to have wayyyyyyyy too much fun Cindy. Wish I could be a third wheel, but I can't.
    How long is the drive? Shouldn't be too bad right?
    I still can't for the life of me remember what came home with me???? DUH.
    Happy TG weekend Cindy. Nothing going on here.

  12. I think the tree is beautiful as it is - even without the photos!
