These were my journal entries and photos from my
fabulous trip to Paris! Sorry the photos are not in order!
September 21st, 2014 Sunday
Our new address for the next two weeks!!!** 16 Rue Jacob**
We are actually going to Paris…for 2 weeks!! Terri flew in from LAX and we met at DFW at the gate. I was excited but when I saw Terri it really sunk in, we’re going!!! The seats were ok, business class with reclining seats. We were both so exhausted from packing and getting everything ready that we both fell asleep and didn’t do any of out flight homework. That being setting up a small translator and making plans.
So we arrive in Paris, we’re both pretty disoriented but we stumble off the plane with the other zillion passengers. We both, at the same time,
had massive HOT FLASHES!
I mean to the point of having to sit down and getting out the fans! So we walk out and I find our driver and he says to me, “where is your lug-gage' mademoiselle?” Huh? Well the hot flashing mamas had walked RIGHT PAST BAGGAGE CLAIM. So, ok, we got our luggage, went through customs and found our guy, and we were off.
Just driving from the airport it was like a buffet table full of sites and possible places to go! We get to our apartment and it’s in the 6th district, Saint Germain, a Boho community full of artists and galleries. Our apartment was slick, not much as far as decoration but the complete feel of the Parisian life.
We dumped our bags and then headed out to see the neighborhood and find something to eat. We ate at a cafe with red awning and red umbrellas. Terri had the BEST quiche on the planet and I had french onion soup, we walked along the Seine river, picked up some presents and just walked around with our moths open because it looked like a movie set!! We finally headed back, unpacked and then almost fainted with exhaustion.
What a fantastic first day!
Before I go any further I want to apologize all my misspellings!
I was so tired when I would write at night! My spelling brain cells fell asleep early!
September 22nd Monday ****Fashion Week****
We both woke up, had croissants for breakfast until we could find something else. headed out to, of coarse a flea market, the big one Marche Clihancourt. I found the booth Keith Lo Blu had on Facebook, in Marche Vernaisson, 99 Rue Des Rosiers, St Ouen, 93400, Paris. It was too expensive but I found so many other treasures.
Men’s sleeping shirts, lace, a men’s pheasant shirt, some lace, oh it was so much fun! Terri looked at me like I was nuts but I know she was having fun too. The vendors for the most part were very friendly, we found Irma and another woman Laurie who were both very sweet. Then we met a man who had so much wonderful hardware and crystals, he said people come from the states just to see him. Everything for a chandelier you could ever need! We never made it to the Paul Bert section, next time.At some point of the day we ate at another french cafe then headed home…………to our apartment.
Oh I almost forgot, we went to a gypsy Parisian cafe right there in the flea market! Wacky and redneck all at the same time. They had Christmas tinsel still up with a combo of lights and a really loud BAD band who sang La Bomba after we got there, eeuuu. It was ok food but great entertainment!!
Then back out again to go to Chanel which was an invasion! We stood around for 45 minutes until I finally said forget it, I can get this at home but at 6:45, a salesgirl, Anne came to find me. I picked some things out but they were about to close so we said we would be back in the morning. Sheesh!
I was pretty sore from the plane ride so I took a bath, felt much better, and we headed out into the district! I think I had hazelnut gelato, oh and we went to the market. Poor Terri, I was so tired she had to carry the bag up the two flights of stairs to the apartment. And there was bottled water.
Oh and the staircase at our apartment? Something out of Alice in Wonderland. It was a very old, spiral and leaning towards the wall, but doable. The front door lock on the other hand was a “B” .Terri got the door open but not before we got the giggles right outside our door because it was so obvious we were both old, out of shape and on top of that, both having a major hot flashes!
Tonight we had a late dinner, Fondue in a cute, very small restaurant. Beef and swiss cheese. We sat with other Americans who were just as exhausted as we were, or as I was. I felt really bad that I was so pooped every night and couldn’t muster the energy to go out! At night she would call her friends while I was snoring so loud I cracked the plaster! Next time we’re going to that Blue’s bar around the corner!
September 23rd Tuesday
Oh I could not wait until today, and, what a day!! We arrived at Chanel at about 11:00, the store was not near as crowded as it was the night before and out sweet salesperson, Anne was there with my purchases on hold. The funny thing is, I had on my Walmart black yoga pants, an Anne Klein black nightshirt, my white scarf and ugly shoes! It looked kind of like a Muslim outfit so I fit right in. The women in there were brutal!, I told our salesgirl I refused to fight the crowd so she brought everything to me. Oh my, I bought ? purses, ? wallets, earrings, nail polish, make-up a scarf for Ann and earrings for Julie, Mom and Susie. I think I touched everything in the store, spent WAY too much money! Terri bought a bottle of Chanel No5 and with that,she was happy.
We decided to leave my packages there and go have some lunch! Shopping makes you hungry!! The food is just incredible! I can’t say I had one thing the entire trip that was not fabulous! Anyway, we headed back to Chanel, picked up my packages and went back to the apartment to hide my new goodies. Terri took some fabulous photos of she and I, and all my loot. I actually stood on the staircase that lead up to CoCo Chanel’s old apartment!
They were revamping the apartment so all I could see was the staircase! It seemed to take all day in Chanel but, what an adventure!! Oh and I am soooool in time out!
OH! and we left the Thank You Joey banner in the back of the cab, crap on toast! We called but of coarse no one had turned it in. NUTS!
The Chanel Chapel (LOL)

September 24, Wednesday
Today we looked like twins with our matching sweaters today! We went to the Louie Vuitton Store, Oh holy molly, that place takes up 2 blocks!! It was the flagship store so it was fabulous. We walked along the Champs-Elysee's after I bought the boy bag I had been drooling over and we headed out into the holy grail, yellow brick road, of shopping. Hermes, Dior, YSL, you name it, it was there!!!
We stopped and ate at a cafe where I had pasta with truffle shavings, oh so good I could have licked the bowl! Terri was being good and ordered a salad but it showed up and it was covered in parm. cheese, so much for a light lunch! Then, we ended up in H&M! Ha! One sack was a Louie and the others from H&M! We picked up some souvenirs, saw the Arc de Triumph, took lots of photos, including the cafe with the red and white stripped umbrellas, and then caught a taxi back to the hood. We also found another cute shop, Niki Kendosa. Found some cute sweaters and scarves.
I bought Terri a blue sweater and a scarf, it looked really cute on her.
We didn’t stay out too late because we have an adventure tomorrow.
lock bridge
September 25, Thursday
Today started out a little late, we, or Terri spent the morning trying to find a rental car that was an automatic. I’m telling ya,Terri got the job done!
I’m all ready to bail but she came through!
We hit the road after lunch and headed for the town of.... somewhere near Normandy, kind of. We stopped at my request at a little town called Ruine(?) along the way, they had a flea market but we never found it and ended up getting lost. I was NO help because I had just taken some more meds and I was out of it! The stupid car kept stalling, the navigation girl was a all screwed up and I was no help. Poor Terri!
I had really started to feel bad this morning, sore throat, stuffy nose, so bring on the antibiotics! I wish I had started them sooner. By the time we found the B&B I was wiped. After checking in and meeting David the owner we headed into town to find something for dinner. Man oh man, the streets rolled up at 9pm! We stopped at the only place open and had the best omelet on the planet! I’m telling you, the best food ever. We got back to the B&B, unpacked and visited with Billy the goat, who tried to butt me, little stinker! No really, he was stinky!. By this time, I’m full blown with an evil cold and tried my best to smile and act like everything was fine.
I couldn’t believe how Terri drove in Paris and highway traffic like, “eh, no biggie.” OMG there are no lanes in Paris, just masses of cars, bikes and scooters! But she drove through it all like a champ. I took a video of her driving and in one of the tunnels. She was fearless!!
September 26th Friday
So being the wanker weinie that I am, I woke up feeling like crap on toast! But I was not going to let Terri know how bad I felt. We went to Normandy and went to this Church on an island. She went all the way to the top of the church, I stayed at the bottom and had french onion soup and hot tea. Yes, Terri got me to start drinking hot tea, with milk and 3 cubes of sugar!!! I think Terri really had a good day even though I couldn’t do everything with her. She video taped part of a mass with the nuns singing so she was thrilled. Later, after the castle we went to Omaha beach. I was in the back seat dying but Terri drove us there, got her baggie of sand and a few rocks, took some photos and the rest is a blur!
Do these glasses make me look fat?
September 27 Saturday
**Jambon Market** The Ham Festival Flea Market
Jambon Market-Taxi pick up @
Restaurant Fournaise, 3 Rue De Bac Ile De Impressionnistes, 78400 city of Chatou
What a great flea market! The prices were, well high but not unreasonable. They had a ton of vendors and a TON of little cafes set up. I wish our flea markets were this nice. Of coarse the weather has been perfect, cool enough for a sweater but not too cool. Aaaahhh, so few hot flashes! It was so nice to see the vendors set up together for their noon meal. They would pull out containers of food and all share!Meanwhile, Terri and I set out and we both found a few things. I found more men’s sleep shirts, lace, buttons,old photos, glass slides, oh the list is endless but it was a great show. I can’t remember what I ate but I had about 5 Orangina drinks! We do good together, we both know how to be friendly to vendors and she was very patient to go with me!
We got back to the hood and had gelatto and something else. I also picked up some more souvenirs. There wasn’t a lot to buy but I picked up a few things. OH and while we were standing there in this small shop, these girls walked in with their suitcases to go to an apartment up above the store!! Oh I wish I could find out how to stay there! I wonder if it would be too loud??
The lace omg the lace!!!
I bought this pheasant shirt
This is Laurie, a super nice vender in the flea market
Purse handles
Dolls, dolls everywhere!
September 28 Sunday
***SICK DAY***
I canceled our day with Joy and Laurie, I was afraid I would get them sick like I have Terri. She woke up with a sore throat but soldiered on. She went to Nortra Dam. It worked out great because I was up and ready about 3:00 and she showed up! We went to grab a bite and cruise the neighborhood. There is so much to see and do in our hood! We ate at an outside cafe next to a really cute couple from Australia, Pip and Vick!! They were on their honeymoon! They were so cute! The cafe served water in vodka bottles so the entire time we’re talking to this young couple we’re thinking, damn, they’re drinking vodka and red wine? Well come to find out, the vodka wasn’t vodka but water!! Another gelato and then home.
I'm in heaven
This guy had everything you would need for a chandelier
French Rooster dressed for the festival.............check?
Yes, the floral shops were to die for!
I still can't believe Terri drove...IN PARIS
There were ceramic wreathes on the graves
September 29 Monday **my birthday**
I woke up this morning, walked into the kitchen to have a cup of tea and Terri had a cute banner stretched across the room that said Happy Birthday! AND, she had a card and hot tea all set up, she made it look so cute! I did the perfect thing on my birthday, I went back to the Jambon Flea Market!! I found even more really cool stuff! I really didn’t feel good the first time we went so I thought I’d go back and I hit pay dirt. WHEN I go back I hope to plan it around this flea again!
Terri went to the Louvre. She said she only saw a small portion of it. Well hell it’s 19 blocks long, you’d need to be on a Segway to even get close to seeing it all! What a great time we have had!! There just isn’t enough time to see everything in 2 weeks. Maybe next time I can make it 3 weeks with Italy on the end of the trip? Being there made me get out and walk, and walk and then walk some more. I was sore, I didn’t feel good but I made myself get up and get out.
After we were both back from our destinations we and picked up Joy and Laurie to join us for my birthday dinner at Le Colbert. We met Dennis met us at the front door and he really was sweet. I looked huge and my legs were cramping but, I was in Paris! They brought the cake with the sparkler in it but it was made out of Styrofoam!! The food was really good, I had the fillet and Joy the roast chicken, Terri had the veal and I forget what Laurie had. We had dessert which was yummy. It was fun, maybe this will become a new tradition,
Paris on my birthday!
Dealer from the Jambon' flea market
She was such a sweetie
and speaking of sweets.................
Birthday dinner with the girls at Le Colbert!
Joy Campbell and Laurie Garcia joined us!
The food was wonderful and the company Divine!
The Joy in my life...
Joy Campbell and Laurie Garcia joined Terri and I for my birthday celebration!
Our host Dennis........
The food was wonderful!
September 30th Tuesday
We went on a river cruise to see the sights. The girls were able to join us but we all had to go back and pack,so, we get back to the flat and we decided to pack. I had forgotten that Terri had never seen me pack. I made her so nervous flinging off tags and throwing stuff around. Terri said I looked like I was manic, or Edward Scissor Hands, which is true. I keep going until I’m finished!! So all of my things fit, a bit snug but with a little space used in Terri’s bag and it was all good. It was a bittersweet feeling seeing my bags all packed. I wanted to go home but I wanted to stay.
I kept thinking of Nancy Lamb in this store.
I should have picked up pencils for her!
I was too dazzled to think straight!
A cool window display
Can you say YUM!
October 1 Wednesday
Today we went to the Eiffel Tower and we both went up to the second level. It really didn’t take that long and I think Terri had a ball. I did too! I had hit a wall so we headed back by pedal car, which was fun! We ate at a cafe and then I laid down for awhile and Terri went to the MO museum. When she came back we grabbed a taxi and went back to see the
Eiffel Tower light show.
SO we’re sitting there, eating out crepes with Nutella and fruit. Of coarse the first bite I take and the bottom blew out of mine, lovely. But, as I looked down at my blob of food, I found a french penny!
River Boat cruise with all my gal pals!
Monday night
Tuesday night
Wednesday night
Are we seeing a pattern or what!!
Hazelnut heaven
French window dressing???
On our way UP
From the Eiffel tower!
Oh how I wish I was there!
October 2 Thursday
Terri comes into my room and says we over slept!!!! and the driver was there, OMG! For some reason neither of our alarm clocks on our phones would work. Thank goodness we were packed and everything laid out. Terri swept through the place the night before, took out the trash and put the remaining cheese and goodies in a bag in the fridge. What a whirlwind! It was like something you’d see in a movie.
They sent this little Hobbit driver who had to take my luggage down the stairs! He looked like a mouse with a Rhino on it’s back! Then this weird guy Frank shows up and began walking into our rooms before we were finished, weird! Our driver was nice, he called himself Gerald Ford so people would remember his name was Gerald. We started talking about Karl Lagerfled and Gerald said that he was Boucoup' Bling-Bling, what a funny guy! Then he wanted to show us photos of his Tai wife,eeeeuuuuu!
Of coarse we get to the airport and our flight had been delayed! So we went through the duty free shops and then got on our flight. This time I really couldn’t sleep very well, Terri Lynn was out like a light! I just can’t wait to go back to out 6th district neighborhood and see some more of Paris. I feel like being sick for half of the trip, I was in a fog and I don’t remember so many things. The problem is the price of the business class ticket is enormous, somewhere around 5-6k! Coach is just $1200. I wish I could fly coach but it was hard enough on my legs as it was.
I had such a wonderful time with Terri……in Paris. She was the perfect roommate, a great driver, great sense of direction, thank the Lord, and, just seemed to be having so much fun being there! I could not have done it without her! Joey said she went as my nurse which is NOT true! I did fine on my own other than directions! We did several things apart and I’m still here! I’m a big girl with big panties (I’ll say) and I do just fine thank you! But our fairytale trip had come to a close.