Friday, November 4, 2011

Girls Gone Junkin' and Birthdays!

Today was the perfect day to go to Canton! The weather was perfect and the booths were packed with wonderful treasures and people. None more crowded than Girls Gone Junkin" and it was Cathy's birthday! Of all the luck to be there to hug her neck and sing "Happy Birthday" to her with all the other customers that were in her store!
We all wish she has had the best day ever, AND, that her birthday wish comes true!
Charlene was my partner in crime today. We just took our time and lollygagged all over Canton, not looking for anything special, just enjoying the day. I found a purse at GGJ and some old photos, no shock there!
Cathy just has this way of displaying the ordinary everyday things and making you want to buy it all!
I forgot to go back and buy this photo darn it!
A sweet lamp covered in lace and a dash of pearls to polish it off.
New purses that always catch my eye..
Ahhhh, but this one may be the one that got away, after I took this shot someone took it off the mani's shoulder and bought it!
Just a little bit of this and a little bit of that..
I wanted this one too, lordy I have an obsession with purses. "Hello my name is Cindy and I have ANOTHER obsession.."


  1. Hello Cindy

    What a fun day you had. I just love days like this to freely roam around not looking for anything in particular just taking in all the beauty and friendship


  2. Oh my gosh I bet it was a fun and crazy Canton day!! I always am so mission oriented when I go but sometime it would be fun to go just to wander and soak it all in ~
    I always love Girls Gone Junkin!

  3. I just love Cathy to pieces! So glad you girls had a great day. I wish I had been there to be with you!!


  4. Pozdrav Cindy!!!!
    Sigurna sam da je bilo jako veselo.
    Šaljem Cathy lijepe čestitke za rođendan.
    Prekrasne su ti ove fotografije....

  5. As always.... CUTE POST! Man, I look like DOG MEAT there next to cute Cathy! Shows you what getting up early & tromping through Canton makes you look like! What a great day we had girlfriend! THANKS! I NEEDED THAT!!!! And you KNOW that's true! HUGS! Charlene

  6. What a fun way to spend a day with Charlene!!!!!
    I signed up for Tiffany's- are you going????!!!

  7. If you would have moved Cathy over just a smidgen, she would have had the biggest bestest pink crown ever on her head. HOW CUTE.
    I didn't recognize Charlene till I read her comment.
    You do have a purse obsession. But you have great taste so it's all good Cindy girl.
    Happy Sat. I'm tempted to go shopping, by myself. Much rather have a gf with me but Julie and Cluadia are actually together this weekend meeting for the first time in Seattle. I'm JEALOUS!!!!

  8. Looks like you girls has a FabUlous time! Can't wait to see it in person! Have a great weekend.

  9. What a great outing, it all looks so Yummy!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  10. It's just a cruel joke that I don't live in Texas with all my BBF's!!!! I happy though that you guys have each other! Looks like a fabulous time as always!! Love ya lots!!

  11. Great post Cindy with lots of eye candy, I have a thing for old photos too and I'm lovin' fabric transfers. Soo-oo much fun! Glad you are out having fun! Hugs my friend, Marilou xoxo

  12. OMG...I totally want one of those purses too!!! They are both FABULOUS!!!!
    Hi, My name is Susie & I am a Purse Junkie!!!!! lol There are worse things to be, right!!!

  13. Oh, how funny - I'm blog hopping tonight and I find your lovely blog - and here we have the same name (except for the spelling)! I think we are a lot alike besides, because I love everything I see here, including that LOVELY PURSE!

  14. I love pretty bags and purses, too! Don't you think we're all a little obsessed with pretty things? ♥

  15. My did I miss this one? I was there Wednesday...Thursday and half the day Friday...guess I spent so much time shopping for my shop at at Laurie Anna's...will be sure to check it out next time!!!

