Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm sorry Mr. Turkey I can't do Tofu!

Thanksgiving is going to be here before you know it and that battle in the kitchen will take all day and night. It will end with all of us falling face down onto the bed at the end of the day,fully clothed and exhausted! So this year I  thought I might try the tofu version of turkey and I wish oh how I wish it could have been better. But, OMG it was terrible! I don't mean Night Hawk dinner bad, I mean this was like when Snoopy kisses Lucy and she goes into her fit! "Get the peroxide, get the iodine, I have dog germs !" Mine was more like get me the chocolate, get the wine oh gag me with a pitch fork!!!! Agh, bla, bla , blaaaaaaaaK!
I mean I know they're trying to be funny but really? It just looks so disgusting  so yucky, gooey, so OMG throw it away before I barf. But I did taste it and it tasted like a turkey jello! I see that lip curling, you're doing it too aren't you! My mother has been a Vegan, yes Vegan, for years now! She hasn't always walked on the dark side with no burgers, no steak, no pork chops, and Lordy above no hot dogs which she calls hogballs. Yes I can never look at another hot dog again without thinking of my mother saying, "You know what they put in those don't you, hogballs!" Now every time you see a hot dog you're going to think the same thing aren't you! Just sharing the love my fellow bloggers! So this Thanksgiving if it ever crosses your mind that maybe you should try an alternative to Ol' Tom, just think..Mexican food!


  1. I will be eating regular turkey with dressing, green bean casserole and iced tea. Poo on the tofu!! I have tried that crap and it makes me DRY HEAVE! Ick!

    Happy Monday!


  2. OMG! Tears are coming out I'm laughing so hard!I will never look at a hotdog the same way again!Thanks for the morning pick-me-up!

  3. If the box hadn't been in the picture, I would not have believed it! And you found this in Texas?!?!? Sounds and looks disgusting. Thanks for the morning laugh. This goes on my list of what not to eat....right up there with Mexican food!

  4. We will be having the traditonal dinner prepared with love and yes at the end of the evening just plain dropping into bed so tired you can't sllep... I think it is just the way it is meant to be... tummy aching with the large amount of food we consumed with thanksgiving as we also know many were blessed with family and food that day...

  5. Well I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about that TURKEY...
    Our Thanksgiving was in Oct. so that turkey is you know where by now, lol.
    Hope you figure it all out and gobble gobble gf.
    Happy Monday Cindy

  6. You are my new laugh drug, Cindy! You just crack me up. I'm going to share this story with my family, but not the recipe.


  7. I'm cracking up... at least it's "carved" nice and decoratively!!! LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. OH MY! That is just so WRONG! heehee! And you tell it with such a fun sense of humor! Just don't tell Mom we were making fun of 'her' turkey! lol ♥

  9. Hogballs? Oh, great! You are right though...I will always associate hogballs with hot dogs from now on. I can hear me now at the Sonic "I would like a footlong hogball, please". By the way, this year we ARE doing Mexican food for Thanksgiving. How did you know?

  10. YOU are too funny!!! I just did the Laurie Anna's post. What a great day we had. THANK YOU for taking me away from the madness of life that day. HUGS!

  11. It just looks so frightening and WRONG! No way would I taste it.

  12. Girlfriend you are a hoot!!! My sides always hurt after I visit you!!! I can't even imagine what that stuff feels like and I don't think I want too!! Yuck! I'll take the real thing... or nothing at all!! I'm gonna call you today....

  13. TTF! That turkey might be ok if it was Cake, but tofu, well that I don't do tofu, sounds as my 2 yr old Grandson would say, just Gross Grandma, yukky, Cindy you are so funny this is the best post and Mexican food sounds good but think I'll stay traditional! Hugs sweet girl, Marilou xoxo PS Stop by and see what I created in KC Willis's class in Huntington Beach, I actually made it to a "real retreat workshop" so much fun!

  14. Oh yeah, HOGBALLS!!! My new favorite word!!

    "what's for dinner tonight?" HOGBALLS!!!!!
