Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Ornaments for the Kitty Tree

Well I decided I just couldn't leave the tree with a fabric garland. So I figured I would use what I had and started hauling out the glitter, glue and any bits and bobs I could find. Truthfully I didn't know how these would turn out so I used all the left overs of other projects and just winged it. The kittens were ALL OVER it and it was all over them! The baby stepped in the Tupperware container of glitter and dumped it all over her and the floor. She jumped which gave the room a shower of glitter that I have yet to get all cleaned up! Then the other one stepped in the glue bowl and glued all her whiskers together!
I have never had children but I now feel like I had decorated a tree with two insane toddlers!!! OMG how do you mom's do it? I was so stressed out by the end of this project I thought I would lose my mind. Then you look at them and think, oh yea you're cute all right but, "One of these days Alice, Zoom to the moon!!"
So, I'm done with decorating!! I will end up re-decorating this tree over and over again anyway so it'll be like I did more. It felt good to start and complete a project. I have found myself starting a project, becoming unhappy with it and throwing it away! So frustrating!
The good news is that I have a class with my partner in crime Charlene, this next week with KC Willis !! I'm really excited! Cross your fingers  I can crawl out of this black hole of a creative port a potty and get back on track!


  1. Oh my word these are just stunning!
    I would have loved to seen pictures of the fur babies-I am so glad I am not the only one that has a fur baby side kick.
    My black beauty is always sprinkled with glitter and brings it to our bed.
    Life without a cat would be so boring.
    Hope your doing well sweetie

  2. Hey it's snowing here, what the heck? It's not even snowing here in Canada!!
    Kitty's or no kitties, your tree is BEAUTIFUL... and one glued his whiskers?? That's awful Cindy girl. Next time close the bloody door, lol.
    Have fun with your BFF. More crafts?? Mine are all in the garbage too... from you know where : )
    Sending hugs.

  3. Sounds like it's a good thing they didn't do the glue and THEN the glitter......or maybe they did?

  4. STUNNING! I can't wait to see it in person! I love what you did with all the brides! And I can see the glue & glitter mess... hee hee not laughing at you laughing with you! Don't work to hard tomorrow & I'll talk to you Saturday morning. HUGS! Charlene

  5. Oh my gosh, these are the most beautiful ornaments I have ever seen and the tree is fabulous. I can just imagine the little furry creatures helping?? with the project. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs Jackie

  6. Your so called kitty cat tree is beautiful love how you worded it I remember when we had our cat she would hide in it and tear it apart!!!

  7. Cindy those are fabulous!!! That tree is soooo pretty! You did an amazing job! I hope you and Charlene have a wonderful time in KC's class. I can't wait to see what you make.
    Love ya lots!

  8. Hello Cindy, I think you have, those ornaments are beautiful! and so is your tree. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

  9. I have taken several of KC's classes and had such a great time. You get to design and complete a project with her input and get to see what everyone else creates. Be sure to take your favorite bits and bobs to include in your project and HAVE FUN!

  10. Love your kitty tree - face it, wouldn't be Christmas without a kitty face peeking out halfway up the tree!

  11. Found you thru pinterest. Could you e-mail and let me know more about the muses blog? (you left me a message). Your blog is great. I will spend the next hour or so reading and enjoying the eye candy. Thanks for sending me the link.

  12. I still can't believe I've not been to your blog. I follow many of the people in your faves.
    Have luved all I've seen. And really like your ornaments above.

  13. You are going to have SO MUCH fun with KC! Seriously, girl! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your tree! You have inspired me!


  14. These are gorgeous, Cindy! Your kitty tree is better than most Christmas trees. Hugs, Marian

  15. Just to say it's wonderfull !

