Thursday, December 8, 2011

KC Willis you rock!

I just finished a three day class with KC WIllis and to date that has been the best workshop I have ever been to!  It was a very relaxed atmosphere with only 8 students so it was small enough where we could all be calling KC's name and she could get to all of us without stressing out! Can you believe that this flag was one of our projects!!
These photos do not do justice to her work. The detail and creativity that she puts into each piece is amazing. Her images are of strong women in history , most from the west, who made their own way, truly inspiring with quotes to match.
She had a stack of finished wall hangings that we could choose from to purchase and at the time, I was so proud of myself and only bought one. Yes, I'm kicking myself now for not buying more.
I was just so intent on finishing my own projects that I didn't take time to really go through them! I did end up with one which I will share in my next post.When I finish all my projects, the wall hanging like these above and below, a shrine, which I do not have any photos of, and of course the flag above. I was so close to finishing my flag but I didn't want to force it so I brought it home to finish.
One of the coolest tools that she uses a lot on all of her pieces is a heat gun. I have never owned one, but I do now! I went to Lowes and bought the middle of the line one and plan to "go to town" and finish my projects. I'm sure I'm the last person on the planet to own one but I figure I'll just be careful of how much aqua-net I use on the days when I use it!!!! 
These large collages were so amazing, she actually mounted one on a black canvas, OMG, to die for! This class was just what I was hoping for to get my creativity going. The great thing is that to make the wall hangings or even these larger collages, I have all the materials cubby holed away in my room or in storage. Now, time to tea stain it all!
I cannot encourage you all enough to not only partake in any of KC's workshops but to consider buying either her CD sets or a piece itself. Each time you look at the piece you see something you didn't see before. What I will see when I look at me piece by KC is a positive experience with lovely women and a creative experience that brought be back to life! Thank you to all my fellow classmates and most of all KC.
This is the "book class" that I have already signed up for in April, 2012. I can't wait to see what we create next and I'll bring even more goodies to embellish this time. I was a newby this last time but next year I'm comin' to class both barrels blastin'!!!!!


  1. I have her CD set and love it! I plan on one day making one with my grandmother in it using some old photo of her. I'm glad you had fun and I can't wait to see your finished projects!

  2. Hi Cindy,
    What a real treat to work with KC. I have her cd's and love her work. I promise myself that one day I will fly over to the US and be taught in person.
    So glad you were so inspired.
    Hugs, Angela.

  3. Girl, you got my heart beating adore KC Willis' work. That book class looks amazing, I love those art books.

    Sounds like you had a great time and to be surrounded by all that talent. Lucky you!

  4. Loved it tooooo, she rocks!!! Guess what...I have a heat gun now too...can't live without it!!! I ALWAYS knew I was a COWGIRL at HEART & now I have my very own GUN!!!!
    Happy Holidays Darlin...miss you!!!
    Big Hugs,
    Susie Q

  5. Wow those are amazing works of art. That book workshop looks like it is going to be a great class. I wish I could peek inside of it. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Beautiful pieces. I've admired her work on the net forever. Only wish that I could have the opportunity to take a live class with her. One can dream!

  7. Hi Cindy I took KC's class when she was in HB in CA the end of October, amazing is all I can say and I'm signed up for March of next year already, I loved everything I learned and I still need to go buy my heat gun, watch that hair spray girl friend! That thing gets hot lika torch! Enjoy and glad you loved it as much as I did! Hugs Marilou xoxo

  8. Hi Cindy, I just went to the 2 day workshop in San Angelo, TX and it was awesome too!There were only 5 of us, and I learned so much! We made a fabric book, but I would love to do the book class in April! I also only bought one of her pieces, and got her dvd's but haven't had a chance to watch them yet!

  9. WHAT A BLAST WE HAD! I am soooooooooo mad that I forgot my camera so... I'm gonna borrow some of your photos. Let's get together this week & work on our projects. Heck so what if Christmas is only 2 weeks away.... hee hee HUGS! Charlene
