This is so aggravating, I hate menopause ! I am still wide awake and it's 3AM! I guess I should be doing something productive but I keep hoping I'll get sleepy, HA!
So, I wonder around youtube and your blogs at all hours of the night. If you ever wondered who that nut was looking at your blog in the wee hours, it was me!
So for those of you, like me who are awake on these "starry, starry nights", this is for you. I hope this lullaby gets you sleepy and ready to go to bed. Sleep tight sweet friends. :)
I do realize that I haven't shown you anything creative that I have made with my two little paws in quite some time!
I've been having some "technical difficulties" these past months. Some days it's a challenge to just sign my name on a blasted check.
(Humm, is that a sign not to sign them, nah, I like having electricity and water, and oh Lordy, AC!)
I'm not complaining just explaining, as to why there hasn't any creative projects on my blog in so long. SO, I try to supplement with silly things, give-aways and egg salad recipes, and a goofy video here and there. :)
So hang in there with me, please come to visit and leave your sweet comments, I check them every day and always try to go back to your blog to say hi back.
I am finding new creative ways to get around this aggravation like finding a camera with "visual stabilization"! Who knew!
So maybe in time I can have better photos,
ok that's a given I know!
Next, I'll work on getting around other challenges. For now, my solution is this big piece of chocolate in front of me, yum!
I do not pink puffy heart Hurricane Irene! My sweet friend LuLu Kellogg is drowning in the effects of this hurricane, but could this stupid storm come anywhere near Texas? Can you say, "OH HELL NO!"
Not one drop, not one stinking percentage of humidity! We're drying , and dying down here in Texas and Irene drops a million gallons of water on the East Coast, but we got nothin'! Even our cows are trying to leave!
Our lakes look like Joan Rivers before plastic surgery!
Our windmills are still working but there's no water to pump!
The only pet you can leave outside for more than 20 minutes is a Horned Toad who's so dried dried up he can't even squirt blood out of his eyes!
We missed our beautiful bluebonnets,
and our beautiful lake sunsets.
We ended up with dried up cactus and Mesquite trees,
And instead of a beautiful lake we end up with the smallest size of a kiddie pool because we're on water restrictions!
So Miss LuLu I'm with you, Hurricane Irene, you suck!
OK, I am putting my life on the line to give you this super secret recipe for the best egg salad ever made. If the Methodist Mafia Moms find out I sent this out I am Methodist Mud, so enjoy but never disclose your source!
Methodist Mafia Mom's Egg Salad Recipe
6 boiled eggs finely chopped, (I use a fork to make it really chopped)
1/4 C. Mayo
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 TBS. apple cider vinegar
1 &1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dried minced onion
1/2 tsp. Worcester sauce
1 C. finely chopped celery
Mix Everything together but egg. Then fold in the chopped egg.
Cut the crust off the bread and put a thin layer of the egg salad. This recipe is best for little finger sandwiches. This will make quite a bit!
Time to "round-up" the winners of the Cowgirl Texas Monthly give-away .The winners are Sarah of Vintage Figments and Nancy of Coeur d' Alene. Congrats to these two winners! I will be in touch with them asap! More give-aways to come!
In 1958 an author by the name of Garth Williams wrote and illustrated my favorite book as a child, "The Rabbit's Wedding." My mother read this book over and over to me and I'm quite sure it's one of the first books I ever learned to read.
It was a sweet love story of two little rabbits, one white and one black, who fell in love and wanted to live in the forest together forever.
Little did I know that according to some politicians and "worried parents", that this book would some how encourage or influence a child's mind to believe in interracial marriage! I was a child protester and didn't even know it!
E.O. Eddings, a Senator from Montgomery, Alabama wanted the book to be burned. The book was removed from several shelves and put in the "restricted section!" It just boggles the mind.
But the book did stay on the shelves , the rabbits did get married and lived happily ever after, and this book remains one of my favorite books to this day.
So I guess it helps my heart knowing that in my childhood,my mother was sharing a sweet story with more than one message. I'm not even sure she knew the significance at the time, but maybe she did?
When I have a friend that has a new baby or now in my older years, a grandbaby, this is always one of the first presents I give to them. I Think over the years I have bought well over 40 copies. What was your favorite children's book?
I should not jest and call winning a give-away a small "miracle" but you have to know my history of NEVER winning anything! I'm the girl who will always buy the raffle ticket, enters contests, even tries to play bingo and I always come up a big fat L-O-S-E-R! I think the Las Vegas Casinos should hire me as a "cooler" to sit at the tables. A cooler is a guy they send to a winning table to spread his bad luck ju-ju all over the the place and people start to lose, that's me!
SO, when I found out I had won this beautiful box of gorgeous goodies from Rhonda of I was doing my happy dance in my underpants! Rhonda and I have been emailing back and forth since I won this treasure,talking about going to Paris. Oh I would so love to go to the flea markets for days upon days. I'd shop till I dropped and sleep when I got home. Would that just not be fabulous! No husbands allowed, they can send their credit cards and see what a wonderful time we're having by checking the bill!! So, thank you Rhonda for ending my losing streak!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Mean old buster was just born tough, started smokin' then turned to snuff. You never crossed with him without yer' side arm, he didn't carry a gun but he could do ya' harm!
He'd give ya' this look that would just curdle butter, some even wondered if he even had a mother!
Sign up for my new give-away or I'm sending ol' Buster after ya"!
This is a Cowgirl's dream give-away! I am giving away 2 subscriptions to Texas Monthly Magazine! I know there are plenty of y'all out there who have always wanted to know more about Texas so this is your chance! This month's issue is called,"Our Heroes have always been Cowgirls" and I will send you this issue with your subscription! It's easy to enter!
1. Just leave me a comment
2. Join my site and become a follower!
3. Put my button on your blog, this will give you three chances.
I'll pick the winners at the end of the month. Good Luck y'all!
I have the new work out for all of us! Deflate those bike tires, use that treadmill as a clothing rack, and zoom out of Zumba class, and shake what your mama gave ya!