I do realize that I haven't shown you anything creative that I have made with my two little paws in quite some time!
I've been having some "technical difficulties" these past months. Some days it's a challenge to just sign my name on a blasted check.
(Humm, is that a sign not to sign them, nah, I like having electricity and water, and oh Lordy, AC!)
I'm not complaining just explaining, as to why there hasn't any creative projects on my blog in so long. SO, I try to supplement with silly things, give-aways and egg salad recipes, and a goofy video here and there. :)
So hang in there with me, please come to visit and leave your sweet comments, I check them every day and always try to go back to your blog to say hi back.
I am finding new creative ways to get around this aggravation like finding a camera with "visual stabilization"! Who knew!
So maybe in time I can have better photos,
ok that's a given I know!
Next, I'll work on getting around other challenges. For now, my solution is this big piece of chocolate in front of me, yum!
Love you all.xoxo-cin